QuestApp | Научи за България

by Nauchizabulgaria



The game "Learn about Bulgaria" is an interactive educational tool for civic education in the form of an online game. The game is completely free for all users and is an online quiz with questions related to the laws of Bulgaria, the separation of powers at the state level, civil rights and obligations and other topics related to civic education.A game consists of 5 questions and 3 minutes to answer. Each question has only one correct answer, and the player chooses from 4 options. At the end of each single game, the player can see the correct answers to all 5 questions and find out where he answered correctly and where - wrongly. The game saves players score in their profiles and tracks their progress. The strongest players in each month can take a special prize for their achievements - a board game for civic education.The mobile application was created by the Association "Youth Compass" with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Bulgaria in connection with the implementation of the administrative contract for the provision of grant No 25-00-32/12.07.2023, financed under the National Program for implementation of youth activities under Art. 10a, para. 4 of the Gambling Act.